5 habits for conscious tourism

Gamping in Toscana

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of environmental protection, the way we travel is also changing. At 2 Cuori e 1 Yurta, we are committed to promoting practices that respect the environment, value local communities and offer authentic experiences. Therefore, we are pleased to share with you some habits that can make your stay sustainable.

1. Reducing the ecological footprint

Yurts, traditional nomadic tents, are a perfect example of sustainable architecture. During your stay, you can further reduce your ecological footprint by adopting a few simple habits, such as turning off lights and electrical appliances when they are not needed and limiting water use.

2. Buy locally and responsibly

Buying food and souvenirs from local markets or producers not only supports the local economy, but also reduces the emissions associated with transporting goods. Furthermore, by preferring artisanal and organic products, you can contribute to a fairer and more sustainable economy.

3. Waste reduction

One of the key aspects of a sustainable holiday is waste management: we try to minimise the use of single-use plastic, offering environmentally friendly alternatives such as reusable bottles and cloth bags. Finally, we encourage you to separate your waste and minimise waste, preferring products with recyclable or compostable packaging.

4. Respect for nature and biodiversity

Being surrounded by nature, our glamping is the ideal place to reconnect with the environment and learn to respect it. When exploring the surroundings, we ask you to follow marked trails and not to disturb the local fauna; avoid picking plants or wild flowers and respect the natural balance of the ecosystem.

5. Sustainable mobility

Prefer environmentally friendly means of transport: if possible, travel to our glamping site by public transport or share the journey with other guests. Once there, you can move around on foot or use our e-bike rental service, thus reducing your CO2 emissions.

Adopting sustainable habits while on holiday is not only possible, it is also an enriching experience, allowing you to experience the beauty and authenticity of the places you visit more intensively. We look forward to seeing you at 2 Cuori e 1 Yurta for a sustainable holiday!